Company Information for COSCO

Company Name Cosco Capital Inc
Sector Consumer Staples Industry Food & Drug Stores
Description Cosco Capital, Inc., through subsidiaries, operates grocery stores, retail outlets, pharmacy chains, restaurants, and wine and liquor distribution businesses. Cosco Capital also develops and owns commercial shopping centers in the Philippines.
Address 2/F Tabacalera Building Romualdes Street Paco, Manila, 1007 Philippines
Phone 632-523-3055 Website
Founded 01/19/1988 Workforce 9958

Financial Strength

Shares Outstanding 35,847,303,246.72 Market Capital 7,198,254,000.00
Last Filings 2019:Q3 Earnings per Share 1.856
Returns (1Yr from now) 0.00 Returns (Current Fiscal Year) -27.193

Weekly Price movement

Daily Candlestick

1-quarter (65d) candlestick chartTrade Volumes



5D BOXPLOT with 5-10-20 Day VWMA

For more details on reading the TRENDEX chart, please check the official guide here. TRENDEX BOXPLOTSTRENDEX HEARTBEATTRENDEX ACCELERATION SHIFTS

20D BOXPLOT with 5-10-20 Day VWMA


ASTRA Analysis

VERY SHORT TERM Perspective (5D)
This perspective is best for those who are actively trading (day traders) and move their portfolios each time a thershold has been reached.
X (LOW) 4.674 X (HIGH) 4.738 X (SPRD) 1.355%
X (LQUAD) 4.685 X (UQUAD) 4.72 X (MEDIAN) 4.702
XMA 4.702 XMA DIFF -0.001 XMA DIFF% -0.011%
XVWMA 4.70 XVWMA DIFF 0.002 XVWMA DIFF% 0.034%
Earnings potential 0.762% Loss Potential -0.585% Risk Rate 0.177%
SHORT TERM Perspective (20D)
This perspective is best for those who checks and trades 1-2 times a week (week traders). It utilizes a months worth (20 days historical events or 4 weeks worth of trade days) to plot the potential direction of the stock.
X (LOW) 4.674 X (HIGH) 5.151 X (SPRD) 10.198%
X (LQUAD) 4.731 X (UQUAD) 4.977 X (MEDIAN) 4.932
XMA 4.892 XMA DIFF -0.191 XMA DIFF% -3.897%
XVWMA 4.92 XVWMA DIFF -0.219 XVWMA DIFF% -4.443%
Earnings potential 9.553% Loss Potential -0.585% Risk Rate 8.968%
VOLAVE 487.355K VOLAVE DIFF -277.355K VOLAVE DIFF% -56.91%
10/24/2023 82,000.00 4.71 4.75 4.74 4.75 4.738
10/25/2023 13,000.00 4.70 4.75 4.75 4.70 4.721
10/26/2023 1,001,000.00 4.68 4.73 4.70 4.69 4.699
10/27/2023 38,000.00 4.65 4.75 4.65 4.75 4.708
10/31/2023 56,000.00 4.61 4.70 4.70 4.61 4.648
11/3/2023 215,000.00 4.61 4.64 4.61 4.61 4.618
11/8/2023 21,446,000.00 4.55 4.75 4.75 4.60 4.65
11/9/2023 94,000.00 4.60 4.71 4.71 4.65 4.663
11/13/2023 72,000.00 4.60 4.75 4.75 4.64 4.676
11/17/2023 2,345,000.00 4.55 4.61 4.61 4.60 4.592
11/21/2023 520,000.00 4.53 4.61 4.55 4.60 4.577
11/22/2023 292,000.00 4.55 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.603
11/24/2023 1,345,000.00 4.53 4.62 4.53 4.62 4.583
11/29/2023 2,556,000.00 4.50 4.60 4.59 4.50 4.54
11/30/2023 1,175,000.00 4.49 4.58 4.56 4.58 4.554
12/5/2023 97,000.00 4.48 4.59 4.54 4.48 4.518
12/7/2023 282,000.00 4.45 4.58 4.58 4.46 4.508
12/12/2023 2,239,000.00 4.40 4.50 4.40 4.50 4.458
12/14/2023 338,000.00 4.45 4.60 4.46 4.55 4.523
12/15/2023 114,000.00 4.50 4.64 4.61 4.63 4.597
12/21/2023 30,000.00 4.60 4.70 4.69 4.62 4.647
12/22/2023 324,000.00 4.59 4.81 4.74 4.80 4.74
12/27/2023 476,000.00 4.75 4.95 4.87 4.95 4.887
12/28/2023 550,000.00 4.77 4.94 4.90 4.81 4.848
12/29/2023 751,000.00 4.62 4.79 4.78 4.62 4.689
1/9/2024 362,000.00 4.75 4.83 4.83 4.78 4.793
1/10/2024 101,000.00 4.76 4.80 4.76 4.79 4.78
1/11/2024 301,000.00 4.78 4.82 4.80 4.81 4.803
1/12/2024 240,000.00 4.78 4.83 4.81 4.82 4.811
1/15/2024 423,000.00 4.76 4.86 4.76 4.86 4.818
1/22/2024 20,280,000.00 4.83 4.89 4.85 4.87 4.862
1/24/2024 1,001,400.00 4.95 5.05 5.00 5.00 5.00
1/25/2024 320,600.00 5.03 5.05 5.04 5.05 5.043
1/29/2024 332,700.00 4.95 5.02 5.00 5.01 4.996
1/30/2024 249,000.00 5.00 5.03 5.03 5.03 5.023
2/2/2024 1,791,000.00 4.82 4.98 4.98 4.95 4.93
2/5/2024 565,000.00 4.95 5.00 4.95 5.00 4.979
2/7/2024 677,200.00 4.99 5.04 5.00 5.03 5.018
2/8/2024 841,300.00 5.00 5.05 5.04 5.04 5.033
2/12/2024 849,600.00 5.04 5.08 5.04 5.08 5.063
2/14/2024 883,000.00 5.04 5.13 5.10 5.04 5.073
3/13/2024 967,400.00 5.09 5.18 5.14 5.18 5.151
3/14/2024 727,700.00 4.98 5.15 5.12 5.00 5.053
3/20/2024 701,700.00 4.94 5.15 5.01 5.06 5.044
3/21/2024 629,800.00 5.00 5.08 5.08 5.05 5.05
3/22/2024 453,600.00 4.95 5.04 5.00 4.97 4.988
3/25/2024 816,000.00 4.65 5.03 5.02 4.90 4.89
3/26/2024 1,098,000.00 4.88 4.96 4.96 4.94 4.933
3/27/2024 239,000.00 4.91 4.95 4.93 4.93 4.93
4/3/2024 140,000.00 4.86 4.99 4.87 4.99 4.938
4/4/2024 131,000.00 4.90 4.99 4.99 4.97 4.961
4/5/2024 271,000.00 4.93 4.99 4.94 4.99 4.967
4/8/2024 208,000.00 4.92 5.00 5.00 4.95 4.963
4/12/2024 944,000.00 4.75 4.95 4.95 4.87 4.873
4/16/2024 284,000.00 4.69 4.75 4.73 4.73 4.725
4/17/2024 579,000.00 4.61 4.72 4.65 4.70 4.674
4/22/2024 473,000.00 4.68 4.77 4.75 4.75 4.738
4/23/2024 632,000.00 4.64 4.80 4.65 4.68 4.695
4/24/2024 62,000.00 4.62 4.75 4.66 4.75 4.703
4/25/2024 210,000.00 4.63 4.75 4.64 4.75 4.702