Risk Analysis (+)

This is a list composing of stocks that may have potential upswings based on their historical data. For the counter-report of "riskier" stocks that may have potential downswings, check the Risk Analysis (High Risk) page.

The ASTRA X Risk Report ranks the stocks with the best risk (potential gain vs Loss) outcome. This compares the short-term to long-term X-highs and X-lows against current X-price. It then compares the potential earnings one can get (if the price goes back to the highest value for the term) against the potential loss (if it falls to its lowest price for that term). Imagine if an investment will either give you 150% potential gain or a 50% potential loss on your investment. Assuming all odds are equal, should you go for it?

Every decision we make has risks and reward, and by reward it can be that you risked too much only to get a reward of "little to nothing". This report gives you an idea of what stocks will have the best potential upswings based on its historical data. To simplify how this works, imagine a stock trading sideways. for a certain period, it goes up and down to its resistance and support levels. Now! we have determined that the stock's highest average value is at 100 pesos and its lowest is at 50 pesos for this duration. If the stock is now at 55 pesos... should you buy? remember that you have a chance to lose 5 pesos of that value... are you scared yet? or does the potential of getting that 55 pesos to 100 deter you from backing out?

As this report utilizes highs and lows, there is a chance that the values can be skewed by sudden spikes in prices for a term. It also does not take trade volume and value into consideration so while some may appear to have high gain potential, having no demand for these stocks makes it unattractive. Thus it is best to also check these stocks against other reports such as its liquidity/popularity with the Average Trade Value Report

Top 100 Low Risk stocks

Note: Currently sorted by 20 Day X-Price Value. Phase 2 of this project will have the 65 Day average which shows a longer 3-month data range

Note that the data may be outdated as new records are only processed by 5PM GMT +8:00 after PSE market closes. Until then, all records you see are from the previous trading date.
2GO 13.5 4.5 4.5 - 13.5 4.5 - 13.5 200.0% 200.0%
UNI 0.246 0.082 0.082 - 0.246 0.082 - 0.246 200.0% 200.0%
CHI 6.12 2.04 2.04 - 6.12 2.04 - 6.12 200.0% 200.0%
AB 4.92 5.008 5.0 - 5.103 5.0 - 8.227 1.747% 64.137%
PA 1.0 1.0 1.0 - 1.02 1.0 - 1.52 2.0% 52.0%
SFI 0.055 0.056 0.056 - 0.062 0.056 - 0.082 10.879% 45.9%
SPM 1.15 1.15 1.15 - 1.47 1.099 - 1.67 27.826% 40.797%
PTC 85.25 85.25 85.25 - 119.0 85.0 - 119.0 39.589% 39.296%
ABS 3.22 3.258 3.258 - 3.515 3.258 - 4.433 7.877% 36.061%
BHI 0.047 0.047 0.047 - 0.05 0.047 - 0.064 5.447% 35.852%
ABA 0.98 0.985 0.985 - 1.052 0.985 - 1.336 6.768% 35.618%
SSP 1.86 1.83 1.83 - 1.893 1.82 - 2.473 3.415% 34.608%
ABSP 3.65 3.358 2.975 - 3.592 2.975 - 4.85 -4.466% 33.003%
MFIN 1.43 1.43 1.43 - 1.6 1.43 - 1.9 11.888% 32.867%
CEI 0.072 0.072 0.071 - 0.076 0.064 - 0.104 4.061% 32.832%
LC 0.104 0.104 0.102 - 0.135 0.102 - 0.14 27.338% 32.134%
IMI 1.73 1.72 1.615 - 1.72 1.615 - 2.356 -6.105% 30.862%
IPM 3.45 3.45 3.45 - 3.45 3.45 - 4.5 0.0% 30.435%
CAB 43.05 43.05 43.05 - 58.9 40.05 - 58.9 36.818% 29.849%
GEO 0.076 0.075 0.075 - 0.081 0.074 - 0.097 8.472% 29.431%
I 0.345 0.345 0.345 - 0.345 0.335 - 0.455 0.0% 28.986%
TUGS 0.6 0.604 0.604 - 0.634 0.604 - 0.775 4.966% 28.276%
ANI 0.56 0.562 0.562 - 0.6 0.561 - 0.708 6.825% 25.964%
LBC 14.0 14.075 14.075 - 15.933 14.075 - 17.48 13.203% 24.192%
TECH 1.55 1.544 1.544 - 1.728 1.544 - 1.894 11.927% 22.666%
MB 0.191 0.191 0.191 - 0.235 0.191 - 0.235 22.42% 22.42%
ECP 2.06 2.06 2.06 - 2.5 2.06 - 2.52 21.359% 22.33%
NRCP 0.4 0.402 0.394 - 0.402 0.37 - 0.523 -1.969% 22.176%
PBC 14.3 14.3 14.3 - 17.46 14.3 - 17.46 22.098% 22.098%
URC 93.3 92.942 92.029 - 100.175 92.029 - 114.2 6.801% 21.891%
PHA 0.18 0.177 0.172 - 0.187 0.166 - 0.226 3.159% 21.782%
LSC 0.52 0.52 0.52 - 0.57 0.52 - 0.63 9.615% 21.154%
GPH 8.99 8.99 8.487 - 11.6 7.817 - 12.008 23.433% 20.523%
MVC 4.75 4.813 4.813 - 5.09 4.813 - 5.78 5.766% 20.104%
T 0.4 0.4 0.389 - 0.44 0.389 - 0.49 7.292% 19.792%
GMA7 7.74 7.716 7.716 - 8.683 7.716 - 9.232 12.539% 19.646%
GREEN 1.53 1.523 1.523 - 1.635 1.523 - 1.82 7.389% 19.54%
MM 0.85 0.842 0.835 - 0.848 0.835 - 1.012 -0.099% 19.406%
MAH 0.57 0.57 0.56 - 0.57 0.5 - 0.75 -1.754% 19.298%
JAS 0.8 0.8 0.79 - 0.99 0.75 - 1.003 22.5% 19.063%
AEV 40.0 40.154 39.088 - 40.154 38.942 - 48.954 -2.656% 18.896%
CAT 10.54 10.655 10.5 - 12.012 10.5 - 12.823 11.278% 18.896%
EMP 17.2 17.162 17.162 - 19.28 17.162 - 20.383 12.343% 18.772%
PHES 0.325 0.325 0.325 - 0.33 0.325 - 0.386 1.538% 18.718%
VITA 0.43 0.438 0.438 - 0.49 0.438 - 0.519 11.787% 18.441%
UPM 0.004 0.004 0.004 - 0.004 0.004 - 0.005 15.789% 18.421%
BLOOM 9.8 9.945 9.945 - 10.187 9.945 - 11.76 2.43% 18.25%
SMPH 28.6 28.708 28.229 - 30.292 28.229 - 34.35 3.846% 17.983%
NOW 0.95 0.943 0.934 - 0.974 0.934 - 1.118 2.476% 17.684%
PXP 3.22 3.182 3.182 - 3.503 3.074 - 3.821 10.084% 16.71%
NIKL 3.96 3.965 3.951 - 4.031 3.918 - 4.674 1.303% 16.688%
MRSGI 1.29 1.257 1.249 - 1.473 1.249 - 1.473 16.645% 16.645%
PGOLD 24.0 23.992 23.992 - 24.354 23.992 - 27.979 1.511% 16.62%
GMAP 7.45 7.523 7.523 - 8.37 7.523 - 8.77 11.266% 16.584%
RLT 0.133 0.133 0.133 - 0.141 0.133 - 0.155 5.761% 16.469%
C 1.3 1.281 1.275 - 1.307 1.275 - 1.496 1.562% 16.331%
PHR 0.77 0.753 0.753 - 0.867 0.728 - 0.901 15.044% 16.15%
MBC 6.7 6.7 6.421 - 6.89 6.02 - 8.458 -1.331% 16.082%
ATN 0.55 0.534 0.491 - 0.582 0.491 - 0.663 0.78% 16.068%
LOTO 3.5 3.488 3.488 - 3.6 3.488 - 4.042 3.226% 15.89%
HI 3.32 3.32 3.32 - 3.5 3.32 - 3.84 5.422% 15.663%
JGS 32.95 32.308 29.408 - 32.308 29.408 - 40.225 -8.976% 15.527%
X 0.233 0.233 0.23 - 0.233 0.23 - 0.272 -1.288% 15.343%
GTCAP 600.0 606.25 589.5 - 611.167 589.5 - 714.792 -1.952% 15.141%
CEB 27.8 27.883 27.329 - 27.996 27.329 - 32.646 -1.584% 15.093%
PNX 4.0 3.838 3.838 - 4.18 3.838 - 4.4 8.925% 14.658%
FPI 0.201 0.201 0.2 - 0.201 0.2 - 0.231 -0.498% 14.428%
APC 0.229 0.229 0.224 - 0.232 0.224 - 0.267 -0.728% 14.41%
MAXS 3.07 3.086 3.086 - 3.216 3.086 - 3.526 4.213% 14.259%
ALI 28.45 28.504 27.267 - 28.504 27.267 - 33.721 -4.341% 13.96%
APVI 8.92 9.241 9.029 - 9.68 9.029 - 10.74 2.462% 13.933%
ELI 0.16 0.16 0.158 - 0.161 0.155 - 0.186 -0.677% 13.541%
LPZ 3.7 3.714 3.632 - 4.05 3.632 - 4.28 6.821% 13.013%
FMETF 92.3 92.717 92.717 - 102.558 92.717 - 104.767 10.615% 12.997%
FB 45.0 45.208 45.208 - 47.313 45.208 - 51.067 4.654% 12.959%
TFHI 100.0 100.9 100.667 - 115.0 98.792 - 115.75 13.743% 12.628%
SBS 4.08 4.026 4.026 - 4.113 4.0 - 4.558 2.153% 12.585%
VLL 1.49 1.511 1.511 - 1.548 1.511 - 1.695 2.427% 12.19%
PIZZA 9.43 9.536 9.531 - 10.0 9.531 - 10.67 4.815% 11.841%
AC 595.0 599.833 584.0 - 599.833 584.0 - 686.292 -2.64% 11.774%
SOC 0.36 0.36 0.36 - 0.36 0.36 - 0.4 0.0% 11.111%
GERI 0.78 0.764 0.73 - 0.88 0.73 - 0.882 10.687% 10.905%
SLI 3.1 3.032 2.892 - 3.17 2.892 - 3.5 -0.055% 10.83%
WEB 1.59 1.583 1.561 - 1.675 1.561 - 1.761 4.476% 9.9%
DIZ 2.28 2.33 2.28 - 2.6 2.28 - 2.6 9.442% 9.442%
BEL 1.16 1.157 1.157 - 1.22 1.157 - 1.263 5.475% 9.222%
ACR 0.53 0.519 0.514 - 0.519 0.508 - 0.578 -0.963% 9.149%
COSCO 4.75 4.702 4.674 - 4.738 4.674 - 5.151 0.177% 8.968%
ALLHC 1.85 1.853 1.745 - 1.853 1.745 - 2.123 -5.845% 8.723%
DELM 5.2 5.175 5.1 - 5.413 5.1 - 5.69 3.14% 8.502%
APL 0.01 0.01 0.009 - 0.01 0.009 - 0.011 -4.929% 8.5%
JFC 235.0 233.4 219.683 - 233.4 219.683 - 266.717 -5.877% 8.398%
AGI 9.68 9.662 9.598 - 9.684 9.598 - 10.507 -0.431% 8.082%
ACE 1.73 1.734 1.734 - 1.74 1.734 - 1.874 0.336% 8.073%
DITO 2.05 2.053 2.034 - 2.073 2.034 - 2.234 0.041% 7.873%
SGI 0.94 0.919 0.917 - 0.97 0.91 - 1.0 5.258% 7.797%
PCOR 3.04 3.038 3.038 - 3.133 3.038 - 3.274 3.155% 7.792%
PRMX 2.19 2.19 2.03 - 2.216 2.03 - 2.52 -6.126% 7.763%
BDO 145.6 144.933 144.683 - 148.708 144.683 - 156.417 2.432% 7.751%
UBP 41.5 41.267 41.033 - 43.288 40.525 - 45.188 4.332% 7.704%